4.04.2010 @ 5:10 AM
Sorry, but I'm just bored
Hmmm, I sort of have the mood to blog now after reading an article on
Yeah, you gotta be thinking whether do I really have nothing better to do to be reading such website, on some article titled "14 year old Singaporean vows to leave Singapore if PAP is not voted out by the next general election". But sorry, I was actually searching on Ris Low's april fool fail stunt on Yahoo! and this website appeared as one of the results, lol. I'm really out-dated with media lately cos of (guess what?) Maximum Tune.
Okay, I admit, I have no life.
Back to topic. The girl who written to the editors of the forum (that is if what she articulated on her letter is real) is in real sorry plight. I'm sorry but to sound rather insensitive, but what can she get from venting all her hatred for PAP on cyberspace. Come on, she could had spent the time studying since she complains that the foreign kids are getting all the attention from the teachers.
I would had reacted differently if this letter was sent to the Straits Time instead. This way, relevant organisation could replied since she said the relevant authorities didn't check whatever her mom's file or whatever it is she was refering to.
But, I'm curious. Does the youth of Singapore really hates PAP?
As for myself, ya ya, you may call me an ignorant kid who got brainwashed by the government but I'm for PAP. Although I hate them for removing my student concession rate at Poly, but still I find that they're doing a good job overall. At least they are not corrupted... Shan't elaborate more or else I'm gonna get flamed by anti-PAPians.
Omg, I guess I'm really bored to have blogged about such stuff...
Hey wait, I should be sleeping...... at this time....