4.20.2010 @ 10:22 PM
Caution: COMPRO causes drowsiness.
Went down to CCA Fiesta again today after lessons. I decided to take up Shooting as CCA instead of Volleyball. Somehow I find shooting damn cool. Imagine holding an air pistol in your hand, in the shooting range... Omg! Way cooler than winning a game in max tune. Lol -.-
School was fine today......................
Just that, I found out that COMPRO is damn boring. Caution: COMPRO causes drowsiness.
Oh yeah, I've got a new nickname now. Everyone in class and some people from 1C05 call me Birdtle. If you're wondering how Birdtle come about... Hmmm I shall explain now.
Yesterday during ECPRO, some library lady came in to teach us some research techniques and she pronounced Birthday as "Bird-day". The whole class burst into laughter and I posted "Bird-day" LOL on facebook. Then Hidayat started calling me bird -.-
After that, Eueu keep saying I look like a turtle carrying the bagpack wearing green shirt.
So that's how Birdtle came about when I decided to create a hybrid of a Bird and a Turtle .__.
Love 1C06! :)