4.23.2010 @ 5:21 PM
I see my twitter flooding with tweets writing "Thank-God-it's-Friday" or stuffs like this. SCREW YOU. I WILL SHOW YOU THIS _|_ RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. Screw friday, I have lessons from 9am till 7.30pm. Bloody shit.
Lol, why am I cursing? -.- Forgive me Lord, rofl.
Didn't do nothing much today... School as usual. Just that ENGMEC lecture is killing me. Resultant force, sin/cos/tan, f(x), f(y) ~!@#$%(*&^#&*)^!#% Stuffs like these are confusing, cos I didn't take physics. FML.
Supposed to be at Shooting briefing now, but instead I'm stuck in OBM1. Thanks to the C5 I got for Emaths last year... Man, gotta work hard for OBM1 and EG1 so that I don't have to continue taking OBM1 after common test.