4.27.2010 @ 12:13 AM
Another awesome day at school

Just had another great day at school!
I died doing ENGMEC classwork 2 at school today. Everyone was done, and I was still lost -.- End up sir gave me extra deadline to hand in tomorrow morning ._. Rah.
Meet J♥ after school at Woodlands. I shouted at him again cos I was rather down over the ENGMEC thing... Got over it eventually... Had Botak Jones with J♥, companied him around causeway point to wait for Llewelyn, and went home. Just a simple day today.
Reached home, showered. Cracked my head doing ENGMEC chapter 2 classwork from scratch... And guess what? OMG, I can't believe I managed to complete classwork 2 and tutorial 2. Okay, the whole class got it, except me. I'm probably the last to figure out how to do this shit, but still!!! OMG I did it! :P
I made a big decision today, when I was feeling quite down over my studies and all those shit, that I'm going to quit Max Tune for real. That'll be till my common test in June. And after I get out of the shitty OBM1 class, I'm gonna continue playing. Goodbye MT, I'll still love you a lot. I'll still play, but much lesser than last time, and strictly NO MT ON WEEKDAYS!
This is going to help save up a lot of cash :)
I'm gonna work hard for this semester! I know it's only the second week of Poly, but I'm feeling the kind of stress that have never struck me before the past 10 years of my primary and secondary education.
You idiots better stop whining about how bad secondary school is and start cherishing your time in there. Cos Poly isn't as relax as what many people think. In fact, I find it much more stressful cos (nearly) every fucking piece of work you do, counts in for your overall GPA that you'll graduate at the end of 3 years. So, quit thinking that Poly is relax and slack, cos it's much more workload than in secondary school. Am I the only one who feels this way?