4.27.2010 @ 10:33 PM
What to do?
I was talking to Alessia this afternoon after school... This is roughly how the conversation went...
Alessia: How is poly for you?
Me: Okay la, damn stress. Physics all those shit, suddenly they throw all at me. I dying.
Alessia: (Aiya) You could have went to other courses, but you chose engineering which is physics and you never learn before.
Come to think of it, I'm really quite silly. With my 12 points, I could have went for many other courses. But out of all the choices I have, I chose Engineering. I knew at the start that I may not be able to handle Physics (I did not take in sec school), yet I persuade myself that I'm going to persevere and do well, even at the expense of giving up my beloved MT.
What to do? It's only realistic to study hard now, and do bloody well for SEM1 GPA so that I can get into the discipline of my choice. Do the best with what I have now then........
I was tempted to play MT today... But I didn't! :)
I'm still trying ENGMEC and stuck at question 1.... Omg :(